
  1. What are the different modes of thinking?
    • Focused and diffused mode of thinking are the two modes of thinking.
  2. How much energy does the brain use?
    • The brain is a 3-pound organ (accounting to about 2% of our whole weight) that consumes 10 times more energy than expected based on weight alone. For the average adult in a resting state, the brain consumes about 20 percent of the body’s energy.
  3. What is a chunk and how it is formed?
    • A chunk is set of interconnected neurons that are used to firing together. It is formed by following the steps stated below: (FUP)
    • with Focused attention, Find a pattern
    • Understand the basic idea through Recalling it by yourself only
    • Practice to gain mastery with the concept (make sure to understand the context - (details) and the big picture of things)
  4. What is illusion of competence? How to we avoid these?
    • Illusion of competence is when you believe you know the material when you really don't. Some examples of actions that lead to us having the illusion of competence is when we reread the text over and over, highlight too much text, and seeing a solution to a problem and thinking that you understand it yourself. We can avoid this by recalling the ideas you've just learned, adding personal notes (instead of highlighting), and learning outside your usual place.
  5. What is einstellung?
    • Einstellung is a phenomenon of somebody getting used to doing things in a certain way such it prevents him to think fresh ideas in solving problems.
  6. What key stone bad habit affects influences many aspects of our life? What are some sample recommended methods to change this habit?
    • Procrastination is the keystone habit that influences many aspects of our life. Methods that are recommended to change this habit are: 1) using Pomodoro to help ease the uncomfortable feeling when starting a task 2) planning the quitting time 3) creating a daily planner, one where you write your plans/todos the night before so your brain subconsciously prepares yourself to allocate proper resources/time the next day
  7. What is the virtue of the less brilliant?
    • perseverance
  8. How do you prepare for a test?
    • According to Richard Felder, you need to at least do the following to get a "measurement" of how well-prepared you are for an upcoming test.
    • Did you make a serious effort to understand the text?
    • Did you work with classmates on homework problems?
    • Did you attempt to outline every homework problem solution?
    • Did you participate actively in homework group discussions?
    • Did you consult with the instructor?
    • Did you understand all of your homework problem solutions?
    • Did you ask in class for explanations of homework problem solutions that weren't clear to you?
    • Did you follow your study guide?
    • Did you attempt to outline lots of problem solutions quickly?
    • Did you go over the study guide and problems with classsmates and quiz one another?
    • If there was a review session before the test, did you attended and asked questions about anything you weren't sure about?
    • Did you get a reasonable night's sleep before the test?
  9. What is the law of serendipity?
    • Lady luck favors the one who tries.
  10. Does changing your thoughts change the way you perceive life?
    • Yes. If you change your thoughts, you can really truly change your life (non-verbatim) - Santiago Ramón y Cajal. This is related to neuroplasticity.

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